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Why go to Israel with BLESS ISRAEL TOURS?
We only take small groups so that every person can experience the absolute most possible and not waste time
waiting on the herd.
- We arrange for each person to meet and interact with “living stones” (people that God is using to redeem His
- Before we go we do an extensive Bible study of the places we will visit.
- We are guided by a Messianic Jew who both has an incredible knowledge of the land and its history and a deep love for the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
- We have an amazing bus driver who knows this marvelous land like few others. He trains IDF members in desert survival.
- We go places and seize opportunities that typical tour groups would never do. Who do you know who have actually been digging at a real archeological site; snorkeled in the Red Sea; celebrated in the streets with Israelis at the beginning of the year of Jubilee; worshiped with local believers on Mt. Carmel; ridden jeeps through the desert; helped local Bedouins prepare lunch under an acacia tree; or went four-wheeling on the Golan Heights?
- Our flights are at night to reduce jet-lag.
- Our flight schedule allows us to get some experiences in on that very first day we land (you get extra touring time).
- Our last day in the country is a full (extended) day of touring before we head to the airport (You basically get an extra day).
- You never have to worry about who or how much to tip. We take care of all of that.
- You will get more for your money than any other tour company!
BLESS ISRAEL TOURS was born out of a love for Israel, the God of Israel and the Word of God. For as long as I can remember, I have loved Israel, the people of the Holy Land and their Holy Book. After going to Israel for the first time, I became convinced that God had a call on my life related to Israel. For months I ask the Lord what that meant specifically. Standing on a mountain in Israel, God revealed that I was to recruit Christians to come taste and see that the God of Israel is the One True God and that He has done and continues to do great things for His people. Some of the comments that I hear repeatedly from those who go with me are:
- My life will never be the same.
- I read the Bible in a way that I never did before.
- The Word of God has come alive since I spent time in Israel.
- One student put it best: “Before I went to Israel, I read the Bible in black and white but now I read it in living color.”
Do you have a desire to go to the Holy Land? What is standing in your way? I challenge you to ask God to make a way for
you and then begin taking steps to realize that dream.
What can I do to get the money to go?
Pray, Work, Save!
- I have had people go with me who took a second job and saved all the money they made until they had enough.
- Many people will let their family and friends know that instead of Christmas gifts, Birthday presents, etc., they would like money toward the trip.
- Some have a “change jar” into which they put not only their change at the end of the day but any extra money that comes their way: yard sales, rebates, refunds, etc.
- Are you a great cook or really good with crafts? I have had some who used these talents to raise the money they needed.
- A number of parents have given this trip to their children as a graduation gift.
If God has put into your heart a desire to go to Israel, He did not do that to frustrate you. Ask Him to show you how you can realize this longing.
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