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Our sightseeing will include visits of Caesarea, Haifa, Muhraka, Nazareth, boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Tabgha, Mt. of Beatitudes, Jordan River, Yigal Alon Museum, Bet She’an, Dead Sea, Qumran, Mt. of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane, Via Dolorosa, Pool of Bethesda, St. Ann’s Church, Church of the Holy Sepuchre, Garden Tomb, Western Wall, Temple Mount, Golden Gate, Masada, Israel Museum, Davidson Center,  Bet Guvrin, Valley of Elah, Timna Valley Park, Negev Desert and much more.
All subject to change.






Reviews of Christians who have gone to Israel with

                                    “Bless Israel Tours”






Ron & Patti share why Christians should go to ISRAEL           


Sean P.:    

“Visiting Israel is life changing. It will encourage your faith in Christ by seeing where Jesus walked, taught, lived, died, and rose. History isn't boring in Israel.”


Ron & Patti S.  

“Although it's been a few years since we had the opportunity to go to Israel, that trip still impacts my life today. When I read about Hezekiah's tunnel, I remember the trek we made through it, singing hymns and praises to God. When I read about Jeroboam and Rehoboam, I remember the rocks still remaining on the road where they drove their chariots.  Standing beside the Sea of Galilee, I was able to see Jesus standing there, looking over the water, teaching the people. These and many other memories bring God's Word even more alive and personal each time I pick it up to read because I can picture those places we visited.”


Karen B.     

“The most amazing experience I have ever had! We had one God-moment after another. Between the greatest guide, a remarkable driver, fabulous tour director and an incredible itinerary it was a glorious, God centered experience.”




06/01/17 - 06/13/17





Denise T.         

“For me, my trip to Israel in June, 2016 was the fulfillment of a desire God put in my heart thirty years ago. The moment my feet hit the soil I felt like I was finally "home"! My understanding of God's word has multiplied greatly. I must go again. I've only scratched the surface!”


Vicki C.                       

“To visually see the word of God is amazing!  I went from "this is a once in a lifetime trip" to "how soon can I go back".​  A trip with Jane is so much more than sightseeing".  It will truly change your life.  Breathtaking!"

Christie M.  

“Amazing isn't a strong enough word to describe my trip to Israel with Bless Israel Tours! We began our incredible trip the moment we stepped into Israel and didn't waste a minute the entire time we were there.  From being part of the Jerusalem Day Parade to swimming with the bright, exotic fish of the Red Sea; every second of my trip was filled with awe!  Our adventure took us wading through Hezekiah's tunnels, praying at the wailing wall and off-roading & enjoying an authentic Bedouin lunch in the dessert (the same dessert the Israelites wondered around for 40 years).  We held deep discussions at most of the prime Israel spots.  The trip was the perfect mix of adventure, wonderful food, superb accommodations, history-come-to-life, shopping (we were taken by our guide to specific shopping spots so that we got the best deals on the best Israeli products) and relaxation (we enjoyed hot tea, swimming, hammocks, and an awesome family-style meal at "yoga-style" village in desert). case safety is a concern for you, I felt a LOT safer in Israel than I do in the US!  I wasn't dying to go on this trip but after I went, I am dying to go back!!!”


Mike H.    

"What an enriching trip!" I loved seeing places I had only read about.  I loved the private group travel, but most of all, I fell in love with the Israeli people!"


Karen Singer      

Dept. Chair of Christian Studies Program at Donelson Christian Academy

"Jane has a passion for God’s story through Israel that translates into an amazing itinerary that journey us back in time to Hezekiah and the secret water shaft to Jesus walking on the waters of Galilee.  Jane’s Itinerary helps us see the work that God is doing in the present by witnessing the desert bloom, as we smell the flowers and eat the fruit of the land.  And her itinerary includes the story of God’s work in the future at sites like Mt. of Olives and Plain of Armageddon.   Most of all, I will always treasure the experiences of our trip as we became part of God’s story in Israel as God led us to speak into the lives of those that live there today."

Barb C.

"The summer of 2011 my daughter and I took the trip to Israel with Jane.  I have traveled  quite a bit and can honestly say this was the best trip of our lives.  There is no one with more love for Israel than Jane and it shows when she leads a trip.  The Bible truly came to life in our travels.  Each place we visited we would read passages from the Bible and the look around and realize we are standing in the place it happened. 


When traveling with Jane and Yron you not only get the Christian perspective but also the Jewish one which really adds to the experience.   You will never feel closer to Christ than when you are standing where he walked. 

      I cannot recommend a trip or trip leader more.  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"



Danny K.

“Remarkable experience in seeing the Word come to life. I have two regrets: that I did not go earlier in my life and that I am not able to go back.”


Jerry & Sharon M.

“We have traveled the world; Italy, France, England, Greece, Egypt, Australia, Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, cruises and on and on. This is by far the best trip we have ever experienced. No other trip even comes close. The only advice I would give anyone considering going to Israel is to not wait but go as soon as possible.”

"Peace be Still" ... And there was a great calm. - Mark 4:39

Jane T.

“I have made this trip with Jane three different times and would go again if I were physically able. Incredible trip! “You will never be the same!” is more than a slogan. It is absolutely the truth.”

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